donderdag 26 april 2012

sweden embroidery

i haven't been doing much this week since they have removed my wisdom tooth last friday, was forgotten how much it hurts. and today the surgeon reminded me i am not 20 anymore. He said it takes more time considering my age, thanks for reminding me! I didn't have much energy and spirit to do something. a friend (who is leaving sweden to live in canada) asked me to make something with this lovely swedish embroidery. She was very happy with the result! that's the good news. the leaving part makes me a little sad.

4 opmerkingen:

Tania zei

Ouch. Sorry to hear about the toothy angst. I wonder why something that causes s much pain has anything to do with 'wisdom'? Meanwhile I think you made something wonderful out of Swedish embroidery...

Daan zei

ouch ... ik moest vier kiezen laten trekken voor mijn beugel brrr

afscheid nemen is nooit fin :-( maar wat maakte je een prachtig tasje

fijn weekend!


Ik was al een tijdje niet meer op je blog, maar ben wel een beetje jaloers op je hoor! Het zal niet altijd gemakkelijk zijn om zo ver van huis te wonen, maar wat woon je toch in een prachtig land. Gelukkig is NL niet al te ver weg!

Country Flora zei

Flowers is the one of the most popular!
