dinsdag 27 september 2011

first birthday workshop

today i did my first birthday workshop and i am so happy because it was a big hit. It was fun preparing the workshop. I did some experiments with a heart punch and a butterfly punch. the girls made two things, cards and hangers from paper cut outs and a felt flower. they really enjoyed making the felt flower, playing with water and soap made it very interesting.

2 opmerkingen:

erika zei

Oh wat ontzettend leuk! Mooi resultaat ook. Groetjes uit nederland! Ik heb op de woonbeurs een extra 101 woonideeen gekregen van vorige maand, kan ik jou daar blij mee maken? Zo ja stuur me dan een mailtje met je adres.

Bri zei

Great, your first Swedish workshop !!

Big hug from Heemstede
